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100 Day Docket


For the past four years, the Department of Education has been slashing vital protections for students, easing regulations to unleash predatory colleges, and putting our nation's higher education system at risk. The challenges facing students are urgent, and we cannot afford to wait for Congressional action. 

The 100 Day Docket will help a future Department of Education take immediate, decisive action to protect students and hold predatory schools accountable. Student Defense is publishing a series of reports identifying opportunities for the Department of Education to strengthen enforcement efforts and take administrative actions to protect students.  These initiatives include exercising underused authorities in the Higher Education Act to foster equity, implementing stronger protections for students, identifying new pathways to student loan relief, and bringing accountability to predatory colleges and other actors.

Read the Executive Summary of the 100 Day Docket

Read Dan Zibel's Testimony Before Congress on the 100 Day Docket Proposals

Policy Briefs
